Thursday, June 13, 2013

As the Story Goes...

If you've heard it once, I'm sure you've heard it a million times...
Just kidding, you've probably never actually heard what I'm about to say.
-- which is completely fine, don't get me wrong -- I love being original and quirky, it's just...
Where am I even going with this?
Oh yeah.
Hey, interwebs world.
My name is unimportant, for my identity is solely in being a child of God. Cheesy? Quite possibly, but it's got me where I am in the world -- and where I am, I like where.
Wow, you're making such a great first impression.

What was I saying?
Right. You've heard it a million times. Or haven't - wait, just - OKAY.

I don't understand blogger. BlogSpot.Whatever. I don't. I don't understand why I can't see the little picture, and I don't get why my "about me" is less than an inch wide. I don't see how others can make their blogs look all nice and snazzy, 'cause I'm just over here like I LIKE TRAINS.
But despite all my technological failure, I've decided to begin this blog. Or actually, re-begin it ...because I've been blogging for about years. Wow. And I still don't understand it? SAVE YOUR JUDGEMENTS, PEOPLE.

Anyway, since the beginning of Summer, I've felt an overflow of creative activity up in the noggin and have decided the best way to disperse it is through blogging. So I shall see where this adventure takes me.

Stay lovely, folks.

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